Turf Treatment Services

Viable Alternative To Ozone-Depleting Methyl Bromide

Historically turf farms relied on the use of methyl bromide as a quick and relatively straightforward way to control soil-borne pathogens, nematodes, and a variety of weeds – but since the phase-out of methyl bromide, finding a convenient and affordable alternative to methyl bromide for soil fumigation has been challenging. 

There are a number of contact fumigants on the market, yet none of these alternatives provide a broad spectrum, quick-acting control similar to methyl bromide – the use of EDN™ is changing that landscape and is being seen as the new silver bullet for the turf industry.

Protection Matters

EDN™ is a next-generation soil fumigant. As a replacement for the ozone-depleting methyl bromide, EDN™ is a broad-spectrum fumigant and has shown to be highly effective against pathogens, nematodes, and weeds as a pre-plant soil treatment option. 

EDN™ is a non-ozone-depleting answer to today’s fumigation challenges. Its active ingredient – ethanedinitrile – is an ozone-friendly substance.

EDN™ can be used to disinfect soil and control insects, diseases, nematodes, weeds, and other parasites as a pre-plant soil treatment.

Benefits at a Glance...

Case Study

Evergreen Turf Pty Ltd. is an Australian owned and operated team of over 50 horticultural professionals maintaining, renovating and constructing a diverse range of projects for the sports field and landscape industry – and have been doing so for over 35 years. 

“Regarding weed control, there is no comparison between EDN™ and currently available fumigants – EDN™  provides far superior results”

– Evergreen Turf Pty Ltd.