The ozone-friendly alternative
EDN® fumigant (C₂N₂ ) is a rapid-acting, volatile, colourless flammable chemical used for fumigation of soil prior to planting certain crops and in the timber industry to control various insect pests and pathogens, nematodes, and weeds. EDN® is not a new molecule. It was discovered in 1815 but was not manufactured on a large scale until the late nineteenth century. EDN® is used in other industries for various purposes.
It has been introduced into the fumigation market as a viable and non-ozone depleting alternative to the now commonly banned Methyl Bromide. Although it has toxic qualities, it is safe to use when applied in controlled environments as per regulatory standards, which apply to all fumigants. It can be applied by different methods to different commodities. EDN® is registered for commercial use in Australia, with many other countries’ registration pending.
What is EDN®?
EDN® is a next generation timber and soil fumigant.
As a replacement for the ozone depleting methyl bromide, EDN® is a broad spectrum fumigant and shown to be highly effective against pathogens, nematodes, and weeds as a preplant soil treatment option.
EDN® is a non-ozone-depleting answer to today’s fumigation challenges. Its active ingredient – ethanedinitrile – is an ozone-friendly substance.
EDN® can be used to disinfect soil and control insects, diseases, nematodes, weeds and other parasites as a preplant soil treatment.

EDN® advantages

Broad spectrum fumigant
Efficient in timber and soil treatment to combat fungi, nematodes, insects, and weeds.

Minimal environmental impact
Negligible greenhouse gas effect as well as non-ozone depleting.

Quick application time
Proven efficacy against all life stages of stored product insects and rodents.

Cost effective
Highly cost effective treatment with considerable cost savings not just in product – but also in time.

EDN® Benefits
- Quick fumigation period for a range of timber pests
- Advanced application methods
- No heating system/vaporiser required for application
- Safety buffer zone (Subject to country regulations)
- Can be used at anytime of the year
- Suitable for application in a fumigation chamber, shipping container, under a tarp or ship-hold
- EDN® penetrates both wet and dry timber
- Does not accumulate in the human body and is non-carcinogenic
- Viable alternative to ozone-depleting methyl bromide and other currently available fumigants
- Less than 1% of the initially applied fumigant released into the atmosphere at the time of ventilation compared with 30-50% for methyl bromide.
Timber & Logs
EDN® used to fumigate logs and timber will be applied in the same way that methyl bromide has been. However, it is quite different in the way it behaves In contact with the logs or timber, it is broken down into natural products and reduces to only 1% of the amount put in the stack.
In a methyl bromide fumigation, 50% of the chemical remains and must be released into the air. EDN® is very light and so the little amount present at the end of fumigation moves away very quickly so it quickly dilutes in the air reducing any risk.
Soil Treatment
EDN® effectively combats various weeds, soil-borne pathogens, nematodes, and insect pests, with its breakdown products enriching the soil as fertilizer. Being a gas, unlike liquid pesticides, EDN® penetrates deeply into well-prepared soil and can breach the waxy cuticle of insects, targeting overwintering ground pearls and their immature stages in the soil.